Sunday, January 4, 2009

What Kind Of People Are We?

I have been hesitant to write this as I didn't want to be taken the wrong way or hurt anyone at all, but it is time.

Everyone's Apostolic is without question intended to be a site dedicated for Apostolics...meaning, there is a certain expectation that the site remain a Godly place of is never intended to be the "perfect" place, but it is a place of love...

We have guidelines in place to protect the integrity of the site not to condemn anyone. We have no specific requirements to be a member of the site except that one follow our guidelines. This is a place of fellowship not an exclusive club...we are a people of God that at our very core express love one toward another...if we have not charity then everything else has no point. What has pushed me to write this today? The following letter:

"Bro. Howell--I am a pastor's wife in NC and first off I love this website. I recently became unemployed, after 10 years, because my father was diagnosed with cancer. I had to leave my job to help to take care of him and my mother. So this site has become a lifeline to me. I have been encouraged by others and I in turn have been blessed to be able to reciprocate and give back encouragement. Today I was very disheartened with this site!!!!! I had a connection with a young girl in a neighboring town--on this site---she openly revealed that she was no longer in church-yes a backslider. We had been communicating for several months. She messaged me today and stated that she was getting off the site due to the fact that she had continually got messages stating that she needed to get off this site because it was for APOSTOLICS--not backsliders. I was appalled! What better place for a backslider to receive encouragement than on a site full of HOLY GHOST filled people..........When I logged on this evening--sure enough, she's gone. I am mortified--she has two young children--three souls may just be lost. I am not putting blame anywhere, but I think we apostolics need to rethink who we are and why we are here. Yes this is a great place to meet people, reconnect with people and build relationships--show off pictures, learn hairstyles, how to lose weight, etc---but this could also be a great place for restoration! I know that there are a lot of hurting people in the world AND in the church. There have been people soooooo wounded in church, their confidence in people shattered. I know, because I have 6 siblings that are backslidden. I would love if they would get on a site like this and connect with someone that could possibly minister to them. I apologize for taking up so much space, but I had to get this off my heart. In 2009, my goal is to be REAL--a person that is willing to show grace and mercy to someone, just like I have been shown grace and mercy. Thank you for your time. God Bless."

May God have mercy on the individual that hurt this child of God.

How I see things...we work hard to protect the integrity of the site, yet do not strive to condemn anyone for what they believe, their level or walk in God, or their doctrinal belief. We have guidelines that are intended to establish a culture of love. We have established an environment, that’s all. As a member, you have the opportunity to be a witness…and believe this, everyone is a witness, whether a good one or a…well not so good one. Does this mean…anything goes? Of course not…we are Apostolics, but we are not an exclusive club as mentioned earlier. We are a people of God. We aren’t to let the world be our influence, but be an influence on the world. We stand by our principals and sell them, in love, to others. We don’t pry their mouth open and shove it in…we feed them with loving care and chew the meat up for them if they can’t do it themselves. Compassion defines us.

Now…We love everyone, but understand if some do not agree with our position or philosophy of managing the site. Everyone’s Apostolic isn’t for everyone…and we are okay with that.

Clarification…EA is a private invitation only website that grows because other members invite friends and loved ones. EA does not advertise to grow membership and it is not our purpose to be the largest Christian social network on the web at any cost. We aren’t going to lose our identity as Apostolics, so everyone must follow our guidelines regardless of an individual’s background. To be more specific regarding membership…EA is intended for Apostolics; however, if someone has a friend or loved one that they wish to invite that is not Apostolic but feel that EA could be a blessing to them, great, invite them and we will welcome them with loving kindness. Now, with this said, if any member, regardless of their faith, begins to teach a doctrine that is contrary to the Apostles doctrine, or they condemn us for our beliefs, they will be swiftly removed from the site. We do have a policy of zero tolerance for false doctrine and antagonist and make no apologies.

In closing, I want to express my appreciation to all that help us with our efforts. I give honor to the ministry involved with EA and their unwavering support, prayers, and wisdom. I express gratitude for the thousands of saints that make EA what it is…a place that touches and blesses lives. Most of all, I thank our Lord, Jesus Christ, for His guidance and blessings on the EA community. Together, may we impact our world in a dimension that has never before been witnessed. We are on the home stretch…let’s make it count.

Lord Bless,

John Howell
Everyone’s Apostolic


Deonna W. Gregory said...

Bro Howell,
It breaks my heart to read what has happened. I am in agreement with all you said. I guess it all comes down to the old cliche "What Would Jesus Do?" His message was one of hope, redemption, and forgiveness. The only ones we find Jesus condemning were the religious sect who thought they were sanctified and who berated & looked down upon those they considered sinners.
I hope & pray this sister can find her and help her to find her way back home.
In Christ,

Anonymous said...

How very sad! May I suggest we all take a moment to pray for this young lady and her children. The devil can't have her! Let us pray that she will feel our love for her and change her mind, and allow her to come back to EA. To those who caused this action from her, I would like to pray that they will feel the conviction from the Lord, fall on their knees and repent... May God help us all, in Jesus name ....... Amen!

Unknown said...

This blog just broke my heart. This is a website for backsliders and for the hungry as well as Apostolics.
Yes, if someone is causing problems on the website, then that is another story.
I pray that this young lady will join us again.

Unknown said...

I agree with your comments 100%. I have met some backsliders on the site and I took a moment to write something I hoped would encourage them. I also prayed for them. As a child of God, we are to be encouragers, not destroyers. Unfortunately, there will always be a few who feel they have a right to judge and "set straight."

Thank you for a wonderful ministry and outlet for people of the Name.

Anonymous said...

I must say... very well said. There are a lot of people who do not "look" apostolic on this site. It does not mean that we do not believe or follow the same doctrine. The Christian thing to do is to love all.
Thank you, John, for reconnecting many people. This is a wonderful site that is full of people who love the Lord and are happy to have the opportunity to find long-lost friendships and begin new ones.

Anonymous said...

I am very new to this site. I was invited and have appreciated the encouragement and fellowship. I think that everyone that reads this letter and your accompanying comments should pray for our sister in Christ that went astray. I am thankful for the sister that shared her thoughts and sentiments with us. It is helpful to be reminded of this. We should all pray for restoration of the sister that she wrote in regards to. Thanks for the gentle reminder.

Anonymous said...

Bro John,
Thank you for sharing this letter...
I am not APOSTOLIC...however, I am Spirit Filled & have been baptized in Jesus Name! I believe in & teach healing..I pray & read scriptures every day & tithe & fast...& testify to others about Jesus & His Word! I am a praiser & worshipper & LOVE TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE!
I was invited to join EA BEFORE my APOSTOLIC relatives...I invited them to join!
The contacts I've had on EA have been kind & have reflected the love of Christ; business transactions have been with integrity!
Thank you for a GODLY web site!
I don't worry about reading anything offensive on this site!

Anonymous said...

Jesus came to seek and save those who were LOST!

The whole need not a physician.

Shame on us for making someone NOT feel welcome. I say "we" because we are the church.

Lord, forgive us, and help us to be about YOUR business in 2009!

Connie LevRon said...

True Apostolic would love this child of God right back into the loving arms of God.. NOT RUN THEM OFF... be loving example of what Jesus would do... Are we Apostolic or are we the religious group that put Jesus to death... to send a backslider away, is sending them to a spiritual death.
Sis LevRon... Pastors wife. If some want to run them off..maybe they need to go back to the cross and if so.. write me.. i will help pray for you

Anonymous said...

I am glad this Lady stepped up and wrote this letter to you. I praise you Bro. Howell for taking a stand with this matter. I love this website and thank you for creating something that will allow us to re-unite together but at the same time keep out any thing that is not fitting or pleasing to GOD.
kudos Bro.Howell :-)

Anonymous said...

I like how that sister said she is gonna be REAL in 2009. I think that's where revival is gonna start! I read a book called UnChristian and it talked about the first word that popped into people's heads when they heard the word christian. It was terms like hypocrite and judgmental that came up. What a shame. This apostolic movement has lost track on what Jesus truly intended the church to be. God help us change our mind set. Cause I think we are gonna be a little shocked on Judgement Day when God turns us away for turning others away...

Anonymous said...

Love one another like He has Loved the World.

Anonymous said...

AMEN, for without love....

Anonymous said...

Well said brother. We appreciate the opportunity to connect with others of like minded faith. EA has helped us form friendships that will (hopefully) last for years to come. Sis. Angela

Anonymous said...

Brother Howell,
How very heartbreaking and thought-provoking! I believe sometimes we get such a superior feeling knowing that we are in the truth and others are not. We become so judgemental and forget that our God is a God of love! Thank you for posting this and reminding us we are always being watched, we are always needing to be GODLY witnesses!
God bless you for your wonderful ministry to us!

Unknown said...

The Bible says, "He who is wise wins souls." The person or persons who offended this child of God who has strayed needs our prayers for wisdom, compassion and a heart of love and we need to do everything we can to reach this person who was offended. "It must needs be that offences come but woe beyond to whom the offence comes from."
Love, Unity & Peace
Melba McVay Christie

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what you wrote , i too am backslid ex preacher , but slowly making my way back to God. I have a new attitude about it all , I WILL NOT TOLERATE people condemning me , I have been destroyed by people , preachers included , and hated everything about pentecostals for 2 years , and i was raised in it . but , God is helping me to get past many issues. so , YES people need to watch thier attitude toward sinners and backsliders , lest you want to be guilty of spiritual abortion , killing a soul before it is reborn ! God bless you John Howell

Kathy Lea said...

I had left because I was embarrassed by people leaving guest book comments to non believers of the same effect. And everyonesconnected was not even a designated apostolic site. Now on Facebook now too I am seeing things posted against someone that is struggling.

I felt guilty by association. I wish not to be associated with it. I want to be associated with Christ.

I thank you for posting this letter, maybe this will be a mirror to those involved in this behaviour, and want to change what they see.

Anonymous said...

EA is a great please and I am appalled that this young lady was treated in such a way, of all places. I have never been able to understand why "saints" don't know their place. We are no ones judge,... only God can do that. I fear for those individuals who felt it was their right to be judge and jury, God be merciful....

I pray that this sweet pastor's wife can somehow mend this broken wound. My prayers are with you sister, also with this young women and her children.

tntmom said...

Unforntunately, I must agree with this sister. If the person was not doing , saying , or posting anything ungodly then no one had a place to judge her or tell her to leave. If she was doing things not right for this site,then someone should notify the moderator and leave it to someone with more wisdom to handle. We have the truth, but when did it become exclusive to us and not the rest of the world. No,I do not want this site to turn out like other worldly ones, but are we not to touch the world even if we are being seperate from it. I am a youth pastor's wife and I have several young people on this site, Lord forbid if they were ever to backslide, would they then too be judged and shoved out to the cold and uncaring world? When will we learn that compassion and caring go so much farther than judgement and wrath? I pray the Lord continues to stir this young lady IN SPITE OF US! And open doors for someone to minister to her AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for making this letter public, Bro. Howell. I pray the Lord sends that young woman yet another invitation to grace. And I'd like to join the effort with that pastor's wife in NC to be more REAL in 2009, too!

Life As Usual said...

Thank you. That was well said.

Anonymous said...

Bro. Howell,
Thanks for sharing that letter. I, too, in the past have been appalled by the way backsliders or non-believers have been treated.
It has been said that the Christian army is the only army that kills it's wounded.
We should adopt the Marine code....leave no man behind. Except for God's grace I could be that wounded soldier....I would hope that I can extend to a wounded person the same grace and mercy that I would want extended to me.
My prayer is that we would examine our hearts and find the grace to become Christlike....He who reached out to the immoral woman at the well, and the unpopular tax collector, and loved the unlovable....ME.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear such burden.This could have been the opening door for that young lady.I myself am a backslid.I no longer go to the church I use to go to cause I moved.I also had disapprovment on things.I hope thst with me being a new member will open my eyes & heart to god.God bless you all for the work you provide..

Anonymous said...

I can not believe that anyone could say to get off this website. Just because they aren't Apostolic. I'm sorry but that is sooooo very rude of someone calling their selves "Apostolic". I am ashamed of the ones that said those things to someone that might could have been won to God. I the persons that did this, Asks God to forgive them then finds a way to tell this lady that there sorry and tries to get her back on here.What kind of people are we when we do something stupid like that. I'm sorry to say it that way. Just I feel that was wrong. If I'm out of line. I'm sorry. Lord help use to not do things that will hurt other people just because we are not using our brains to help lost souls come to you Lord. Amen!

Unknown said...

Dear Bro. Howell,
My heart broke as I read this letter. I have seen the damage done by heartless and thoughtless people. How can we reach lost souls if all we do is pass judgement and push them away? Where would we be if not for mercy and grace? Some of us have been blessed to have been born into an Apostolic home. Others, like me, were not so fortunate. I came to this wonderful truth because someone cared enough to reach out to me and share it. Did that mean I was or am perfect? Hardly. Neither is anyone else. I believe the Bible says "and such were some of you". Sometimes we forget where God brought us from or where we could have been. We forget how hard and cruel the world can be when you are on your own, without the loving, merciful hand of our blessed Saviour. Shame on us, and I say again shame on us! Shame to anyone that chase anyone away from the truth instead of drawing them close and letting them feel the beating of loving heart and the gentleness of loving hand.

We have many times been accused of being holier than thou. Actions such as these add fuel to that fire.

I pray that somehow, someway, this dear soul who has been so hurt by someone's thoughtless and cruel actions is able to be drawn back to the Lord.

May God bless you, the sister who wrote to you, and the young woman who has been so carelessly wounded. I pray God deals with those who used their words to harm instead of heal. I pray mercy is extended to all.

Sis. Liz Justice

Unknown said...

Afer reading the blog sent to each member concerning the back slider, I have to say we truly must remember that saving the lost and restoration is what the church is for. We must never think ourselves above anyone. But see ourselves as witnesses of the saving power of the Lord and the sustaining power of the Holy Ghost.And at the same time the backslider/sinner must know that the way of holiness is not going to change for him or her. They must repent and do their first works over.

I appreciate the site. And we must all continue to pray for one another and be subject to corrections if we are wrong. God bless you Brother for keeping the site going.

Pastor Webb

David Long said...

I have often wondered how "outsiders" would be handled on EA...glad to know we are to be open as we should be to all that need God in their lives. I agree with all said in the letter. Too many times have I seen people leave a church because of attitudes toward sinners and backsliders alike. The looks and attitudes given to some that walked thru our doors would make anyone want to leave and not come back. I have seen things change for the good over the years, and I am glad to see this site wants to be a light to those that need it. Thanks for giving us a site like this to be a part of.

Anonymous said...

Wow I can't b Beleive that Somebody would tell this lady to get off this site. I pray that God deals with this person.

Anonymous said...

Tonight is a sad night for all Christians. That being said, I honestly cannot blame the woman for closing her account, because I probably would have done the same thing. It's unfortunate she didn't let it be known who was antagonizing her, because hypocritical people muddy the Christian religion for many people in this world, unfortunately. And I hope the woman hasn't turned away from God for good due to this. I will pray for her, that she may come back one day. I can honestly say something like that has never happened to me here. Anybody who has ever sent me any type of message has always been of the very positive nature. I am rather wary of organization until I see, with mine own eyes, the people are good people in general. I see that the people here at EA are just that, and I feel rather comfortable here even though I am not what you would call the typical Apostolic or Pentacostal although most of my family are. Jesus Christ taught and preached about love and inclusion, regardless of what your background is. And I can promise you that Jesus Christ Himself would absolutely never tell somebody to leave his presence if they had backslid. What He would do would be welcome that person and shower him/her with love. Saying that, I will pray for the persons involved in this issue....including the people sending the hateful messages....and hopefully everybody else here will do the same. I also hope this incident will teach the perpetrators to welcome anybody, regardless of their race, religion, or even sexual orientation because this is precisely what Jesus Christ would do.

I apologize for my rant, but I feel VERY strong about this very issue as my wife turned away from God because of a similar incident. My wife was so crushed that I believe she has turned away from God for good, but I pray, almost every night, that she turns herself around and re-establishes her relationship with God.

I will also pray for this woman, this victim, that she not turn away from God either. Also, thank you to the very concerned friend who wrote the original letter because you are a true friend to this victim. We need many many more people like you in this world.

Anonymous said...

Thank you brother for sharing this.

It is such an important reminder of our attitude as Christians. Many times we as "Apostolics" get caught up in our image of being Apostolic that we forget that God called us to be Christians who are to represent Christ!

The person who told the sister to get off the website is not representing Christ.

Jesus said in John 6:37 "....and him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out"

Jesus is not in the business of casting people out. He is in the business of making people members of his kingdom even backsliders who struggle with temptation.

Jesus is seeking and saving that which is lost. (Luke 19:10)

It is not his will that any should perish but all come to repentance (II Peter 3:9).

He rebuked James and John for their quick condemnation and judgement by telling them they did not realize what manner of spirit they were of; Jesus further told them that he did not come to destroy men's lives but to save men's lives (Luke 9: 54-56).

This is the Jesus Christ I know and want to represent. I am praying that the young lady be restored in Jesus Christ.

Thanks again Bro. Howell for sharing and reminding us who we are.

God bless!

Bro Buford

Anonymous said...

Bro. Howell:

1st of all thank you for creating and moderating such a wonderful place for us Apostolics to find each other.

I am appalled at what was done by someone who considers themselve and "apostolic". We are supposed to be "christlike" 1st of all. This attitude of pushing out those who have struggled or fallen is defifnitely not the way Jesus conducted himself but A LOT more like the Pharisees and Saducees of Jesus time.

While this came up on a web site, we all need to think of how we approach people when they walk into our churches.

Jesus said that he came for the LOST SHEEP not the rest of the sheep in the fold.

I concure with the earlier comment that I pray for the person or persons who pushed away a hurting soul. Jesus had some pretty strong words for people who hurt or led astray a child.

Thank you for your stance on reaching people and also for not allowing false doctrine to come with in the ranks. I pray that God will bless you as much as you have already blessed all of us.

Anonymous said...

Thank you brother for sharing this.

It is such an important reminder of our attitude as Christians. Many times we as "Apostolics" get caught up in our image of being Apostolic that we forget that God called us to be Christians who are to represent Christ!

The person who told the sister to get off the website is not representing Christ.

Jesus said in John 6:37 "....and him that cometh to me I will no wise cast out"

Jesus is not in the business of casting people out. He is in the business of making people members of his kingdom even backsliders who struggle with temptation.

Jesus is seeking and saving that which is lost. (Luke 19:10)

It is not his will that any should perish but all come to repentance (II Peter 3:9).

He rebuked James and John for their quick condemnation and judgement by telling them they did not realize what manner of spirit they were of; Jesus further told them that he did not come to destroy men's lives but to save men's lives (Luke 9: 54-56).

This is the Jesus Christ I know and want to represent. I am praying that the young lady be restored in Jesus Christ.

Thanks again Bro. Howell for sharing and reminding us who we are.

God bless!

Bro Buford

Anonymous said...

OH Bro. Howell...the things we have to endure. Who would believe that satanic forces also would infiltrate such a lifeline as EA...It does happen! I was also assaulted many years ago by so called saints of God.
At Bible college I started giving of my time as a radio announcer..simple, 2 hours every Sunday night. The catch was that It was a new "experimental" type of programming. The type of "music" that many choirs church wide would bless us with...Yes we all know..the influential "black Gospel" Well with much meditation and prayer, we began that type of programming..only two hours each Sunday night. We wanted to reach out to everyone.Soon i began getting phone calls during my radio program that tested me to the very core of my being. the phone calls escalated and soon became threats. one night as i was taking calls for requests the onslaught began but the treats we different."we don't want that "N" music on "OUR" radio station..... On "OUR" radio station???? It then escalated, But what most "saints" didn't know was that the radio stations phone lines where also tied into the Church and BIBLE College except the one line used for strictly radio business. Those threats weren't coming only from the stations line but from within the grounds of the church and College. needless to say I gave up and let the program go by the wayside. But God had his mind made up he was going to have that "kind of music" to reach out to the masses! Just a few years later the ministry started up again..not without It's pitfalls.... But now that music ministry has been on the AIR for over 20 years and countless souls have been won! So, Let's have church 24/7!

Unknown said...

Bro. Howell,

As sad as this situation is, it does not surprise me in the least. I have been filled with the Holy Ghost and in church for only five years. However, in that time I have learned that our church members can be some of the cruelest people I have met. This saddens me because we are the ones who have the truth and are supposed to show more of God than others in Christendom.

When the chips were down for my family and I, who had been members for over a year with one of our churches, it was not our own church who stepped up with love and compassion. Instead it was a baptist church from three hours away! And that is just my experience from one church. A dear friend and family member just recently informed me that she does not need the Holy Ghost because she feels that she is nicer and has more compassion than those she has met who have it.

My heart was broken, as I know that yes people, all people no matter beliefs or religion can be cruel. But to hear that those who have the Holy Ghost have been found to be some of the cruelest people in many lives is very sad.

The attitudes displayed to this precious young lady via EA has sadly penetrated our churches as well. We surely need to bind together and pray these wretched spirits out of our churches and our lives! Many souls are at stake if those who have the truth become tainted in their attitude.


Sis. Jessa Owens

Anonymous said...

Yeah it is sad that we apostolics can be a apostolics worse enemy...I believe we all can relate to that at some point in our walk! But we need not give the devil place,lets show the enemy we can over come things with love,remember where we came from,don't judge least you be judged the same judgement...Let's get Serious church and be truly apostolic!!! Look at my blog post on s.e.r.i.o.u.s S.erve God with more love and reverence.
E.very day give thanks in all things.
R.emind our selfs where we came from.
I.nvite more people to come to God's house (Church).
O.btain our holiness standards and doctrine from God.
U.nity in word,deed and fellowship.
S.eek out the lost.

Anonymous said...

I think we sometimes forget that words can make or brake watch what we said and to whom..Jesus encouraged all why don't we...

terri castleberry said...

You are absolutely right it is wrong to offend others especially those who are not in church or is backslidden. Many times I have thought of the backslidders and how rude some church people are. But God still loves the prodical son. Time is running out for them. I remember praying for the Holy Ghost 22 years ago, and listening to gossip and rude remarks about me. But I kept going to the alter to pray for it ignoring the remarks. Finally God gave me the Holy Ghost. If I had listened to rudeness, I would have never received it. The love chapter in second Corinthians says "love is not rude." We must read the love chapter and be patient with the lost.

GT said...

I just sent an invitation to my sister last night. She is a backslider who I am hoping will reconnect with some good Godly *merciful* Pentecostals. Thanks for this post!

Anonymous said...

Bro Howell,

Thank you for sharing this letter, I to agree with both of you. I am sorry for the young lady that was ask to leave by a "well meaning" saint.
But I also agree that guide lines have been established and need to be up held.

Thank you for your time and energy to make this site possible. It has meant the world to me and my family.

I have an 14 year old autistic son who has been able to connect with other friends from church and from a former christian school through EA.

My wife has been able to connect with friends from her home town and from bible school.

Thank you again for your love and support put into this site.

May GOD richly bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I was very down hearted, when I read this letter. I to was once a backslider. I am back in church and on the firing line for my Lord. The Bible said ye without sin cast the first stone. I have children, that was raised pentecostal, and not in the truth, if only I could get them to come on this site, and someone get them back to the Lord. Oh how wonderful. Just think of this young lady as your daughter, would you want someone to do that to yours. I hope you find an alter some where and ask for the Lord to forgive you.

Anonymous said...

I would hope that this would be a place you could come and get encouragement from ones that care about a persons soul.I have been in and out of church all my life and I know I need help more than anybody else..I feel like even though I was raised in church there is things that I still dont understand and coming here hopefully will help me so please people lets not judge people lets help them..

Anonymous said...

This is so sad but it does happen in the Apostolic movement. I'm sure it happen in other demoniations but I say this because I've been a part of our movement for 30 years. Some think they are more spiritual than others and judge others. I say this because I've seen it so much especially at the Youth Camps, if you don't look like us some do look down at them. A young girl was crying by her luggage waiting for her dad to pick her up because someone had told her that she looked inappropriate. Camp had not even started and she never got to experience the awesome power of the Holy Ghost. Some Youth Camp are not for lost youth, but for the churched youth. A pastor told me that district camps were designed for churched youth and not as an evangelistic event. So what is our true mission? Jesus came to save the lost are we not on the same mission? God help me to stay on HIS mission and not focus on just me!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done,Bro.Howell,
May GOD richly bless you and this site.
PRAY,PRAY,PRAY people,In Jesus Name
Sis. Kelli

Anonymous said...

Brother, I'm glad you brought this letter to light. We all need reminding that this stuff goes on and we need to be in prayer against those that would sever people from godly fellowship. Doesn't the Word say to "mark those that cause division and have nothing to do with them"? It seems to me that those are more offensive to the Body of Christ than the presence of a baclslider.

God have mercy on us all. Who -- having lived for God more than a few weeks or months hasn't become discouraged or even backslid....? I've walked away from God for years at a time.....WHY?

It wasn't anything HE did to me. It was the hurtful remarks of those who thought they could do a better job of convicting me than the Holy Ghost could and had to stick their nose in my relationship with God. For shame.

My pastor said a few years ago "We're the only Army that shoots it's wounded." It's sad, but true. God help us be aware of our words, whether spoken or in text -- there is power for life or death in them. Let us use them for GOOD.

P.S. God bless you for all your work providing EA for all of us to enjoy. I just told someone about it tonight and can't wait to send her an invite!!!

Anonymous said...

This is very sad but it's time GODS children clean and search themselves. I at one time was a backslidder and I know how I was treated and at times it was not good,but it saddens me that as children of the most HIGH WE or SOME in THE CHURCH mistreat each other.Oh theres always a reason but it well NOT hold on judgement day.Do His children think there will be separate churches or streets ect.. in Heaven!!!!!! come on I don't and yet we treat each other so unkind here on earth.If you leave a church or get saved in this church or your not a member of a certain Organization HOW VERY SAD..... No wonder He said many are called but FEW are chosen".I pray I don't mistreat ANYONE no matter who or what they are.We started going to a church many years ago and was told that we did not have the money to fit in HOW SAD. You see a brother os sister in the store they turn there head ,You say Praise the Lord they say nothing,DEAR GOD help us.SEARCH youself children ask youslf how are you treating your BOTHERS and SISTERS in the church (everywhere) and HOW are you treating BACKSLIDDERS.Just because we are Apostolic does not mean were saved.We act so stiff and stuck up to much of the time,the WORLD DON"T want it or need it.SHOW GOD>>>>>>> Love to all in the church and out.Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear of this situation. I invite you all to go to the group Restoration, especially the Sis. that was talking with this girl, and list the name or initials of anyone you know of that is away from God and join us in prayer for these people. This is a real ministry that our churches need to grasp and put into action as well as using it to educate the church family on these very issues. God help us all to keep our relationship with God to the place that we have a right spirit and attitude toward others and especailly those who have lost faith,as well as wisdom and sensitivity to avenues to bring them to a place of spiritual restoration.

Anonymous said...

Brother Howell,
Thank you for sending out this letter and being sincere and open with us all. I have been in the church for going on 11 years. During that time, I have found some of the greatest people on the face of the earth. I also have found those who play the part and smile while destroying others around them. I believe that God has an elect people still today. However, a person just identifying themself as a christian does not make them so. I am compelled to show compassion on even these who would harm another formed in the image of God in hopes of a repentant heart would grip all of our organization. It is truely time for us to realize who we are. Not just in name but in deed. If the very God of salvation loved me in my worst state, and chose to die in my stead. Who am I to offend another. I have chosen to take a stand for righteousness. Will any stand with me?

Anonymous said...

Im a Pentecostal Mom who has raised all 4 of her kids in church...36 yrs.....All of them were very involved in the church along with their parents. The first 2 were Bible quizzers. They both went to the Church's Christian School. My daughter was sat down and humiliated after telling the truth about cutting her bangs-the other 2 girls lied and were not punished for doing the very same thing.
My children were good children...not always perfect but who is? God forbid if they do something wrong! But to be punished for telling the truth? The school found out that our daughter was crawling out of her bedroom window with a girlfriend and decided to punish her at school. She wss again humililated in front of all her peers... When my oldest daughter became very rebellious, I was mortified and feared for her soul....whenever I would get her to come and visit church...I would be so happy to think that she might come back to God...I wanted so desperately for the people to love my baby back but instead...they gave her the silent treatment and became very judgemental and just did not love her unconditionally as I thought they would...after all...if WE who know the TRUTH can't love back our loved ones...who will? My son witnessed this first hand and fell away from God just as my daughter did...He even told me "Mom, I don't like those people ! I don't want to go there anymore! I cried out to God....please Lord...hear this mother's cry...please don't let my babies reject YOU because of what some people did...Help them to see YOU as YOU really are LORD...that you're a God of LOVE and COMPASSION....This couldn't be the way your people should be....Two weeks before my son was getting ready to graduate from his Christian school...he was caught trying a cigarette(in another state away from the school) He was with some other kids from school...who again lied about smoking and were rewarded for their lies....He was the ONLY one who told the truth..and was punished so severely...He was expelled from the school....I felt so betrayed.... I'm sorry to say this but it's 18 years later....My daughter and son are still not in church.....My daughter has 3 children-and has become a very loving mother & wife. My son has been in the Coast Guard for 7 years and is being promoted to an officer soon...Neither one of them will set foot in a Pentecostal Church! Since then....I've had 2 precious girls who love and serve God with all their hearts...but we
changed churches....another smaller Pentecostal church where the people trully love each other and your children...the standards aren't as strong as the larger church we came from but the love and compassion are trully wonderful! They care so much for one another and exemplify to me what a true Christian is! Please...if you're reading this....please listen to this Mom
who cries out for ALL the backslidden children of the Apostolic faith...don't become so rigid in the truth that you forget what being a Christian is all about..please don't be so judgemental that you run the kids right out of the very place they should be....our children need to be loved unconditionally. We can hate the sin but not the children!

Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart to read this, and I really cant stand self righteous people, Ironically in my younger years was one and didnt even realize it. Having said that I learned the hard way not to judge and push people away so quickly with my apostolic nose in the air, why?.......... Because I ate my own words and fell in the very same ways of those I judged, talk about a humbleing experience! I didnt go looking to back slide, it crept upon me. Life hurt me terribly,(divorce and abuse and so on) I became discouraged, and fell into a fog and woke up one day angry hurting and backslid and didnt even realize it untill it stared me in the face one day and guess what........... I was being judged and talked about. I reaped what I sowed. Love people, just love them the way Jesus does.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyone who knows who this girl is that may know of a way to reach her? There must be something we can do, I know that there are many on EA that have wisdom and compassion and could food her with kindness and encouragement. Any ideas? Send her an e mail, start a blog for her, something!!! This is her eternal soul we are talking about.

Anonymous said...

I am in total agreement this woman should not have been banned from this site. Although, I have seen a member on here who states on her page she is Baptist. I myself about five years ago needed a strong shoulder to cry on so to speak at a minister's wife's retreat and was not included because of a working condition between my son and another minister's son. My son quit his job and her son got mad and she turned her cheek away from me and took four others with her and I left alone. That retreat I was depending on encouragement, one of our sons had a child with a woman not in church. I was torn and I needed some understanding. Mistakes do happen we don't turn away from that person we reached out to them, God forgives. I am shocked how many minister's son I have been requesting prayer for who are backslidden. This site can be a blessing and outreach to bring some back if we don't shut others out. By the way, almost six years later our son is still in church he took his time two years later he married her and this past October she was bapitzed in Jesus name and is now seeking the Holy Ghost. It pays not to shut them out.

Anonymous said...

I am saddened for this young lady and her children. I pray God gives us another chance to show her His love. I have sent invitations to family and friends to join EA that are "less than apostolic", and I would hope and pray they would only be treated with love and kindness. Thank you for calling this to our attention, and may we remember that "there but for the grace of God go I".

Anonymous said...

Bro Howell, it breaks my heart to know a sister (or anyone else) was treated so shamefully. Is there any way to pass this on to the sister that was hurt so. It may encourage her to see that there are so many that are backing her...
I agree with the others, we need to keep her and her kids in prayer.

Anonymous said...

Well On a different side of this letter, I am glad to have clarification.
I too have a son who is a little wayward right now and would be happy if he would connect with old minister friends and just good church friends from the past.
Backsliders need a good base to start the road home again. A non- threatening web site would be a great place for that.
I am sure we all have a story or have heard one of someone's walk with God being destroyed for lack of wisdom on a saint's part. Words are too hard to forget even if they are forgiven, they are not easily forgotten.
I think we as Apostolics do not take the time to think before we speak. We do not forsee the outcome ahead of time.
Apostolic Pentecostals have a reputation in my area of being very hard and judgemental. It is theses kinds of things that portray that.
I have a pet peave, and that is to be careful what you are saying because you never know who may be in ear shot and you not know it.That could be the very thing that devistates a soul.I've seen this happen.
Well didn't mean to ramble but I have often thought, wish i could invite______ and didnt think it was allowed.Due to this discussion I take it to mean that anyone can join as long as they uphold the guidelines of the site. Whether they be any denomination.
Thanks for providing a place to share views and introducing me to so many new friends.

Anonymous said...

I wonder sometimes if saints really read their Bible. If they did then they would see for themselves how to act and treat others! All the law hangs on what two commandments? "Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart...and Love thy Neighbor as thyself"! Or how about Judge not lest ye be judged, or Bitter and sweet water does NOT come out of the same fountain! Thank you Bro. for addressing this, it is something we all need to hear! We have no made it yet, but we are pressing toward that mark of the High calling in Christ Jesus! Where is the burden for lost souls? God Help US!

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother Howell,
You and the Pastors wife who wrote to you is very true & correct!
It all comes down to a question, "Where would we be right now, if the person/s used by GOD to save us, judged us instead?"

Anonymous said...

We are the body of CHRIST,it has been my prayer that through all of 2009 I would be able to reflect the love of CHRIST.Each of us need to rember that Charity(love)is the greatest of all gifts.After all it was for love that CHRISt streached out his arms and died for you and me.Even on the cross CHRIST reached out to a backslider!The lesson of the back slider was the only parable that was taught more than once,The Prodigal son,Lost Sheep and Lost Coin all refer to backsliders!All of Heaven rejoices when a backslider or sinner repents!Be careful and be not JUDGEMENTAL for the BIBLE says judge not lest ye be judged!May GOD richly bless each of you and convict each of us with a deep burden for any lost soul!in JESUS name,Brother Jimmy T.

Anonymous said...

All i can say is Lord have mercy on us Jesus is coming we need to be restoring those that are weak and winning the Lost. I thank the Lord for this site it has truly been a blessing.

Jenn said...

I believe that we are supposed to love all people. Those who do not serve the Lord Jesus, AND those that do. I do not believe that it is mistreatment to expect someone to keep to the terms of agreement of EA. When I signed up, I knew what I was getting into...that's why I joined. :o) If someone is abusing the site, using it for a purpose other than intended, then I would say that they didn't really want to be there in the first place. I appreciate those that would protect our saints from posts that would confuse them, particularly our young teens and new converts. I will pray for this young woman and her children, she does need Jesus. I believe that He can reach her without His children compromising themselves. I believe that He can reach people with or without a computer. :o)
I believe that the person who wrote the letter means well, but I do not believe it is right to make one person more valuable than others. I believe that we need to love all people equally.

John 13:35 says, "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
So thank you EA team for your love and protection of those who use EA. I pray that God will give you the wisdom and strength to do what is right to reach the lost and preserve the most precious children of our Lord! :o)

Anonymous said...

peace be with you.

“A word is dead when it is said, some say.
I say it just begins to live that day.” Emily Dickinson:

“He who restrains his lips is wise” (Prov. 10:19)

Anonymous said...

Bro. Howell,
Thank you for your letter. As a pastor's daughter and minister wife I was very saddened to read about what happened to this poor lady. I was raised in the Apostolic Truth as were my 7 brothers and sisters. Three of my brothers drifted away from the truth and backslid. Thankfully 5 1/2 years ago my middle brother was refilled with the Holy Ghost and is now Preaching and on Fire for God, two weeks ago my oldest brother was refilled with the Holy Ghost and as of now my youngest brother is still unsaved.
As I read your letter I thought of how I would feel if my brother were on EA and someone said the same thing to him. We as the people of God are suppose to be a witness...
If at all possible and you can find out who this lady was....Please e-mail her the comments you have received. Let her see that that one woman does not speak for everyone on EA. Please let her know of the hearts she has touched....let her know there are people who LOVE and CARE for her even though we do Not know her. My pastor preached a message on New Year's Eve titled 'We are Apostolic!' and he said that we as Apostolics should and need a love and concern for all people. Please let this woman know that we care because We are Apostolic!

May God Bless You,
Sis. Marcella Stone

Anonymous said...

I pray that this lady and her children are immediately intercepted by People who have true relationship with God; most of us can attest to the power that our God has when He wraps His arms around us and this is what she needs! And sometimes....its just our arms that He uses. For the person or people who hurt her and pushed her away (and others)....we pray that you learn to love like Jesus loves. God can undo all that afflicts this lady!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bro. Howell,

I wanted to first express the sadness that I felt for this lady and her kids. If someone is unable to reach out to her and bring her back to the Lord, than it is a unforgettable loss. Every soul lost in these last days is a soul that we might not get back. That being said, I am a recent returner to Christ. 5 years ago after preaching to a small group of believers, I walked out the door. It has been in the last month that I returned to him. I was invited to this site by a friend and was leery of saying to much about my "state". I was afraid that I would be treated similar to how this young lady was treated. Why would I feel this way, because christians' are the only "soldiers" known to kill their wounded. When I finished reading this blog and responses, I realized that the naysayers are far outnumbered on this site. Thank God for that. May we all pray and fast for this young lady and her children.

Anonymous said...

Hebrews 13:1 says, "Let brotherly love continue." I was reading the comments made by the other members of this site and got to thinking of my dad. See, my dad was filled with the Holy Ghost in the 1970's and lived for God for eight years before he backslid. He remained backslid for around twenty years and came back to God just a few years ago. I was so thankful when he came back to God because he had been diagnosed with cancer and the outcome wasn't very good. He was led back to our Lord through love and tender care not through harsh words or condemnation. My dad past away two years ago at the age of 49. I can say with confidence that my dad made it and it was the love of Christ and of our brothers and sisters in the Lord that brought Him home. I do pray for this woman who was treated so rudely that someone with this precious apostolic faith will extend to her the same loving tender kindness as my father received.

Rev. John Stone

Anonymous said...

I am also a back slidder, who was hurt by a church who was judgemental!! The Pastor has never even come to talk to me!! I was invited to this web site by My nephew who is a pastor @ a U.P.C. church, who repeatedly sent invations to join, for about 2 months I would just deleate the request not because I didn't want to join but because I thought this was for Apostic's only finally I talked to a couple of people about it and they encourged me to join! I even posted a photo of me when I was in church so something like this wouldnt happen to me!I was scared someone would do the same thing to me!!!!Thank God some wrote to u about this cause it brakes my heart to hear this happen. I really love this website it has helped me alot. I even have people who know I'm a back slider on my friends list who send me praise reports that I truly enjoy them and they help me alot! Please pray for me and my husband.God Bless you for starting this website!

Anonymous said...

This is horrible that someone would say such a thing to someone. For all they know she could have been new in church. It breaks my heart to here this. I was backslpd for a few years and came back to God about a year ago. Its been harder coming back so you need all the help you can get!! I wish I would have came across this poor girl. Cause we have something in common. I hope she reads this and knows that we all here LOVE her and sorry for some of the ppl that have lost their love for lost souls!!

Thank you for bringing this to our attention!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is so sad, it amazes me how certain people think they have the "power" or "ability" to judge others. I stand in awe alot of the time as I watch my brothers and sisters hurt because someone decides that they are not living up to "their standards". God is the only one who has the power to judge. The sad thing is, it is not only backsliders, it is other Apostolics that are being judged,standards do not meet theirs, someone wears a wedding ring, ect.... I have seen it happen, I have experienced it. We need to live in love and respect of God! We need to love each other and support each other not tear each other down. This is not a game, this is salvation!! I thank God for this being brought up, it helps us to know that it is a problem that we need to work on in our hearts, and it is very encouraging to me. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I had someone earlier last year who left EA for the same reason. She was a regular poster in Short Story but told me she had to leave because someone was telling her she was not welcome on EA.

--Bro. Nash

Anonymous said...

Lord today and every day we want you to live in us we (thechurch)must live with you as are giud please forgive the wrong that was done and bring healing restore the lost and those who call themselfs found let us be your hands and have your heart
loving you

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we forget what the word says...I find myself at times having to go back to the scripture to find where I should be and what I should be...maybe those that hurt this sister we are speaking of needs a reminder as well. I am sure they never thought about what they were doing would hurt her...or how God could use EA to reach out to her…we all make mistakes…we just need to pray that this kind of thing stops. We need to remember who we are and what the Word says about it…That includes us loving the ones that offended this sister as well.

John 13:34-35

34. A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
35. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Galatians 6:1-4

1. Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness: considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
2. Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
3. For if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
4. But let every man prove (examine) his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.

Anonymous said...

It is disheartening to know that someone or someones did this to this person. It shows that the person that did this is very selfish and could not see past what "they thought" this site was intended for.

Personally, I love the site and it has been an avenue to get my girls off of myspace and ot connect with people I haven't seen in years due to our transient society...

But, the site is an equally if not more valuable tool to reach those that are lost or have backslidden.

Thanks for a great job and I am sorry that something like this even ever happened.

Anonymous said...

I had a person from my ex wifes family tell me the same thing and also threaten to send me a virus to shut down my pc. Im not at all suprised because me and her mom have a child together in which she has not allowed me to see since she moved to Alabama without telling me but yet she sees no harm or the sin of the matter.

Anonymous said...

I have a couple NEW Apostolics that I have invited here. They are babes in Christ, growing & learning. I trust that they too will be dealt with in gentleness and with love. Let's not be the ones to kill our wounded but bear them up in love, and mercy. WWJD.

Anonymous said...

How my heart is stirred after reading the way this woman was treated. Instead of being a great example of Godliness, we have failed this woman. Dear Lord help us when we no longer have brotherly and sisterly love towards sinner, saints, and backsliders. This situation makes me think back to when I was 18. I had been raised as a pastor's daughter all my life and loved God. However, I fell short and backslid. I remember how hard it was for me to come back to God..because of myself. I knew God forgave me for all my wrongs but just couldn't quite forgive myself. Luckily God had placed great people in my life to help guide me through with love and hope. I know how this woman feels falling away from God. This is the time for us to be a support for her not turn her away. Eternity is forever, we must take everyone we can with us. God bless. I will be praying for this woman.

Anonymous said...

We have a young mother who admits she is not where she should be with the Lord, yet desires to be around Christians on this board. Then we have someone who judges her and offends her and causes her to leave the board.
I wonder in Jesus' eyes who is the biggest sinner!

Anonymous said...

Bro. Howell -

Let me begin by saying how saddened this letter left me. It's a crying shame that people feel the need to judge others when that is completely against what the Bible teaches. This judgmental attitude is precisely why I left the UPC. Somewhere we have missed the point of Jesus' ministry - that people might have life, and that more abundantly. We can only pray that God makes a way for these hurt people to find Him again.

Anonymous said...

my head is spinning the example a mirror of the church it's become so exclusive i hestitated to even add my own expericence.... bringing young people to church to be shunned and ignored ,if you come fresh off the street's with all your baggage it's a very scary place to try to negoiate..and make a mistake and a wall so thick goes up a jack hammer can't get through i've given up...

Anonymous said...

This is not only sad, it's tragic. I'd say anyone that hurt this person is probably more backslidden at heart than she is. I've talked to other backsliders on EA, and although I am somewhat straightforward, I do try to be compassionate. Please get that lady back and let some of the rest of us talk to her. Maybe some of us former backsliders can share how we found mercy and forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

Two commandments Christ said we must follow; "Love the Lord thy God" AND "Love thy neighbor as thyself". God forgive us for not getting this one right - and, yes, SHE WILL BE RESTORED ... IN JESUS' Name !!!

Anonymous said...

I thank you for taking the time to pass on your thoughts and words regarding this subject.Bro Howell, this is your website and we do need to follow the guidelines. This is the "safest" website I have ever joined and use. I pray incidences like this do not happen again and can be avoided so as not to lose anyone else.
I am one of the many "backsliders" that frequent this site and it has only been uplifting and encouraging to me. There is such a variety of groups and information beneficial to us and I for one don't want to lose this website. lets be more sensative and do as Jesus asks, to love one another, that to me is without judgement or condemnation. WWJD??

Love in Christ,

Sister Brewster

Anonymous said...

Brother Howell, All of hell cannot stop a soul from being born. But Momma can abort any time she chooses, and it is sad! I cried as I read your letter. God help Momma to stay close enough to Daddy that this doesn't happen anymore!

Brother Summitt

Anonymous said...

I Pastor in Nevada and I am disheartened be those who would forget who we are. We are the children of God and therefore we should take our example from Jesus. He never turned anyone away, but loved them. We are to be pure in doctrine, but to do so without love for humanity we become someone who thinks of themself higher than we should. Paul said that love is greater than, yes even faith because love will reach someone where faith will not. Keep up the good work and God Bless.

Anonymous said...

GOD so loved the WORLD-----
HE came to seek and save that which was lost------
Speak to us Saul, or should I say Paul-----
Things that are lovely, Think on these things-----
AMEN ------- SELAH !!!

Anonymous said...

Lord forgive us of our holier-than-thou attitudes. It distresses me when I read or hear stories like this one. NONE of us have made it yet so why do we feel its okay to set ourselves above somebody else; especially one who has lost their way?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for addressing this problem in such a fine way.

Anonymous said...

you are absolutely in what you have ust said. I dont know how many times this site has helped when ive fallen to the wayside and thats a blessing that everyone should have access to. God bless

Anonymous said...

Bro. John, I appreciate all you do and thank you so very much for the opportunity of having a website like this. I think you do a fine job! You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I could not stop crying in hurt for the pain the young women endured. I cried for the one who hurt her. Lord, please, help us not to hurt others.

Are we not supposed to uphold the weak, pray for those who are hurting. Encourage those who are down. Jesus NEVER criticized, berated or hurt the prostitute, the gossip, the drunkard, , those who did drugs, those who didn’t dress or look as we do, those who backslid.
I had backslidden many years ago and it had a lot to do with ‘well meaning saints’ who snubbed me, judged my children as teens, condemned us all with out having any idea what had happened, our circumstances and whether or not their judgements were even true. I would have stayed in the church then had I been loved in a Christ like manner. Our pastors wife and other ‘well meaning saints’ cut (through looks, whispers and avoidance) not only me, but also my children, and anyone else who was deemed not appropriate, while thinking they were right and Godly in doing so. I was hurt tremendously, (I have forgiven them) I have posted anonomously as they belong to this website. And do not want them to be hurt as I was. (also I am in a different church and different state now)

Fortunately, God allowed things to happen that brought me back to my knees and drew me close to him. How I love my precious Jesus. Life is only worth living because of him. I pray I grow to love others the same way he does because there is so very much hurt in this world. Why would anyone want to add to it. Pray for our churches that we get back to loving as our God does, and get away from tradition and gossip and judgment, or soon, the judgment will be upon US.

Anonymous said...

I was realy hurt when I read this letter. Because I have family members that are backsliding. And I told them about this web site so maybe someone out there can reach them if I can't. Some time it takes some one diffect to reach a lost soul and if this web site does it glory be to God. And I will pray for that young lady that God well send some one back her way. And show she that very body is not like that person.

Anonymous said...

My heart breaks too as I read this letter. We, as the children of God, are to be people of compassion and restoration..I believe it says in Scripture, When we see our brother overtaken in a fault, RESTORE such a one in the Spirit of Meekness, CONSIDERING your ownself, lest ye also be taken in the same fault...Where is the love, compassion and mercy shown in this incident. Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost.. People were his business and should be ours..We, as a church, as the saints of God need to have a Spirit of Compassion birthed in us..I am not talking about compromise but, compassion.
How very sad this type of things happens to our wounded making them twice the victim of hurt and twice a casualty of carelessness.
Also, let me say, as a minister of the Gospel for many years, I know all the churches, ministes and saints are not like this..I know we have some very loving, caring, and concerned ministers and saints, but, for those who are less than compassionate and who are unmerciful, may God minister to you and baptize you afress in his love.

Anonymous said...

I also am saddened by this situation. We are supposed to be the children of light and have the same spirit as Jesus him self how can we call our selves Christian (Christ like) and tell some one that they do not belong some where.
A Sister in our church had the same thing happen to her husband and now he will not come to church. I also have three backsliden children and would be very hurt if someone told them that they did not belong in the church that they were raised in.

I pray that she can find it in her heart to forgive us, I too say us because we are the church, and that she will realize that we are not all like the few and I also pray that the ones who have done this will see the error in their ways and seek Jesus face because their fate will be worse then hers. May God forgive us and show us his will and may we walk in his will and do and go where he wills.

I believe that EA is in the will of the Lord due to the outreach that it has for this day and age of computers, internet, texting, IM and so on. EA is a great way for people to reach each other as well as reach out to world wide web and all the people who are surfing.

Thank for the opportunity to voice my oppinion

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

I am 23 years old I was raised in "church" I treated everyone that didn't have the truth like I was better than them because I had the truth, along with my group of friends and church family. 3 years ago i backslide, 6 months later i tried to get back in church but my eyes where opened to the fact that God loves them even if they come to him or not, so i should also. but my church family does and stil doesnt see this, my district is the same way with a few exceptions. I thought that it was all the APOSTOLIC PEOPLE who felt this way. I have now quit church all together, NOT GOD, just church. I still love God and want to serve him, but I struggle with what that means.

My nephew has been on my case to get an apostolic myspace thing. I told him that I wasnt Apostolic anymore and didn't want to get one, but he still keep on so i finial told him ok just so he would leave me alone. and I came across this. It broke my heart for that poor girl, I dont see how apostolic's can call themself people of God and treat people like this. I pray that the gril finds her way back to him! I pray that the ones that did that to her will see they errors! I also thank God to see People still stand up for what is right, it really helped me on my whole out look on apostolic people.

Thank you for sharing that!