So now what? What's in the future for Everyone's Apostolic? What is our long term plan? Well to answer, we must first go back to where and why we started. Everyone's Apostolic was created to provide a safe and clean site for Apostolics to fellowship. The Internet is full of untapped potential; however, venturing unaware and unprotected through the expansiveness of the web can leave one feeling dirty and violated should something ungodly be stumbled upon. Thus the EA ministry was born.
The future of Everyone's Apostolic looks bright. As our membership continues to grow we have more and more resources available to accomplish the biggest task of all, spreading the good news of the gospel. We are working to develop tools and resources that will help us, an Apostolic people, accomplish this task and impact our world on a massive scale like never before. This seems like an overwhelming and insurmountable mission, yet if we each do our part, together we can conquer the odds and the Lord will get the glory.
How do we start...together? The good news is...we already have. By becoming a member of Everyone's Apostolic you have taken the first step in our journey together. By networking with other Apostolics around the globe we are building a force for good. You may ask, how does networking with others affect our world? Simple, when thousands of Apostolics begin to fellowship, we begin to build a unified relationship that strengthens us on many levels. We are blessed by the ministry and are in a position to bless and encourage others.
We are working and have made progress in our efforts to network and partner with other Apostolic ministries to bring to you, the EA members, the best of the best.
What you can expect in the near future:
- We are working with Apostolic School of Theology to bring the EA members an affordable, convenient, first class, education that can be done from the comfort of your own home or anywhere you choose for that matter... skiing anyone? It is important to note that we are endorsing Apostolic School of Theology as a option for higher education, but, to date, are not involved with the school beyond our endorsement.
- Direct access on Everyone's Apostolic to Holy Ghost Radio. Tune in to hear twenty-four hour worship music and preaching from some of the most anointed ministers and artists of our time.
- An ever growing product offering from various artists and authors in the Everyone's Apostolic Store.
- A multiplicity of ministry opportunities that everyone can take part in are being developed. If you have an idea for ministry please let us know. We want to hear from you.
May the Lord richly bless you, in Jesus Name.
John Howell
Everyone's Apostolic
Praise the Lord, Brother & Sister Howell! EA's growth curve is astounding! Many God richly bless this work to magnify His Glory. Hallelujah!
OOOO I can`t wait for the Holy Ghost radio yeah on that one.And the store sounds awesome great job.
I am glad to see EA endorsing AST. I am a member of EA and I also attend AST. I can see the future of education for the Apostolic community taking off with this method of learning. I believe in this school and its staff. Good move for EA
Everything sounds great! One request ~ As we were left feeling the rapture took place without us when EA went down, is there anyway in the future a message could be sent out first so we would be prepared??? This site has blessed us so much and I appreciate all of the hard work put into it!! Blessings,
Reba Smith
We are very excited about EA and all your hard work. God Bless you and your staff and keep it up! It would be fun and neat to see the "whose visited my site" icon come back and to also have a little more freedom in the designing of your own page. Other than that I am just enjoying all you do. The new ministries you are working on are AWESOME!
I am so glad you're back! I'm new on here; but I've loved everything I see! And I've prayed for you!!! That God will bless you as much as you've blessed His children!!! Thank you!!!
And I agree - please let us know if you have to go offline again! I felt so lost without this site! It's the best I've ever seen!
I have recently moved and had to leave my church and all my friends. Now we can all keep in touch! This is such a blessing!!!
I love the idea of the Holy Ghost Radio!!! Ea has been exciting and uplifting. I was lost when Ea was shut down for a day. Could you give us a warning the next time you have to do that? Please. Your ministry on here is awesome. May God bless you for your work on here. Ea is a blessing.
Thank you so very much for the wonderful outlet you have provided to meet and have good Christian fellowship without fear!
May you be blessed beyond measure for your labor for Jesus Christ! Without EA, I am totally lost!
WOW, you two are doing an awesome job !!! Being somewhat in leadership in my local assembly, I am familiar with (all be it in a different vain) the time and energy required to bring an idea from its embryonic stage to its applicable and useful stage. My hat is off to you and I extent thanks while whishing you whole heartedly, GOD SPEED
Praise The Lord everyone at EA. I have not been a member of EA very long but I like what I see. When I look at the fast groweth of EA I Know without a doubt that this leadership has the FAVOR of the One and True God. Saints when your leadership is favored by the Lord and the blessing of the Almighty can be seen, get ready for God to bless you. For it Never fails that when the Leadership is blessed, the blessings flow down-ward the robe onto the Saints. If you want to be blessed, Bless the headship. So Thank everyone of the leaders who had a vision to start EA. It has and is TRULY blessed me.
Pastor Peeler @
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